2nd- Grade Shor Language Primer Published with Support of Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine

This second textbook in the series was released as part of a large educational project
One thousand copies of a Shor language textbook for second graders have been received by schools, libraries, and cultural institutions in Kuzbass. The primer was written by language specialists at Kemerovo State University and printed by the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”. Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine allocated almost a million rubles for the project.
The textbook, which is included in the New Textbook for Siberia series, meets all state requirements and standards. Now, children will be able to learn the Shor language not only as an elective, but as a native language in the school’s regular curriculum. The textbook itself is bright and colorful with a lot of interesting and exciting tasks. Second-grade students will study spelling rules, basic grammar, and new vocabulary, while learning about the traditions and customs of the indigenous people of Kuzbass. Thanks to this textbook, the younger generation of Shors will master their native language and be able to pass this knowledge on to their descendants, according to Nikita Shulbayev, president of Shoria, a regional public organization of the Shor people in Kemerovo Region, who noted:
“We are very proud of our language and its rich history, but Russian is increasingly used for communication in Shor families. Therefore, we want to express our gratitude to Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine for taking on the publication of a series of Shor language textbooks. It is very important for our children to be able to speak Shor if we are not to lose the connection between generations and preserve our identity.”
A program for teaching the Shor language has existed since Soviet times, but there were no modern Shor language textbooks until last year, when Kemerovo region received 1,000 copies of a Shor primer created with support from Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine. Its publication is a real breakthrough for the region, according to the Minister of Culture and National Policy for Kuzbass, Marina Evsa:
“Thanks to the publication of the second Shor language textbook, today we can talk not only about preserving this indigenous language, which is constantly promoted by Kuzbass’ Ministry of Culture and National Policy, but also about its full-fledged study in core and elective school classes. It’s important to note that the textbook’s publication was the result of constructive dialogue and well-coordinated collaboration between native language teaching professionals, Shor public activists, and caring leaders from Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine".
To aid instructors teaching the Shor language to first and second graders, the team has also created a set of methodological recommendations.
This fall, language specialists will begin developing a plan for writing the third book in the Shor language series, which will also be published with the support of Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine.