Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine Creates ‘Green Fence’ Around Its Coal Loading Station

Oct. 13, 2021
Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine Creates ‘Green Fence’ Around Its Coal Loading Station

2,000 Lombardy poplars were planted near the villages of Borodino and Tetenza

A green buffer zone has been created around the coal loading station at Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine in the Myskovsky Urban District. A tree planting was carried out following a meeting initiated by the administration of Kemerovo Region. The participants included representatives of Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine and members of the Myskovsky Urban District’s Environmental Council. The company’s employees planted 2,000 Lombardy poplars because these particular trees effectively absorb dust: up to 50 percent in summer, and up to 37 percent in winter. According to scientists, poplar plantations emit seven times more oxygen than spruce, for example. During the vegetative period, a middle-aged poplar absorbs up to 40 kilograms of carbon dioxide per hour. The trees also contain essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system.

The saplings were already 1.5 to 2 meters tall when they were planted, which will ensure that they have a good chance of survival. “The forest belt is located in close proximity to our company, so we took responsibility for taking care for it. Employees of the Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine will inspect the trees on a regular basis and take care of them,” the company commented.

Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine will regularly monitor the young trees and plant more if necessary. Myski residents joined the mine’s employees in the planting. Among them was Ksenia Ryaguzova, chief engineer for Housing Services and Utilities in Myskovsky Urban District:

“The city’s administration and residents always respond to ‘green’ business initiatives, so when the Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine submitted a proposal to create a protective forest strip in the village of Borodino, it was decided to support the mass planting of poplars. After all, we not only have to preserve nature, but also carry out new plantings. Public employees, retirees, and young people took up shovels with pleasure – in short, everyone who wants to breathe fresh air in the city.”

With proper care, Lombardy poplars boast a survival rate of up to 100 percent, according to experts.