Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine Plants 60,000 trees in Kemerovo Region

The large-scale planting took place as part of compensatory reforestation
The Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine has planted coniferous trees on an area of 21.5 hectares in the Myskovsky Urban District. The trees were brought from nurseries in the Kuzbass and Altai regions. To ensure better survival, seedlings with both open and closed root systems were selected, as such diversity creates favorable conditions for the growth of fir trees.
According to the head of the Novokuznetsk Forestry, Maxim Yeremchenko, the coal company has been making a significant contribution to the landscape of Kuzbass for several years in a row now:
“Unfortunately, natural disasters cause significant damage to the environment, and anthropogenic factors also have an impact. We must do our best to preserve and increase our common treasure – the Siberian forests. The Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine plays an important role in terms of reforestation. Every year, the company plants dozens of hectares with new trees, which helps conserve Kuzbass’ forest resources.”
The Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine launched its compensatory reforestation program in 2019. Trees were planted on an area of about 320 hectares in the Kemerovo Region over three years. Siberian spruce seedlings have appeared in the Myskovsky and Izhmorsky Urban Districts, as well as the Novokuznetsk and Guryevsky Districts.
Compensatory reforestation is part of the environmental policy of the regions provided for by the national Ecology project. According to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, enterprises engaged in industrial activities are obliged to reforest an area equal to the area of forest lands that they have exploited for business purposes.