Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine Takes Part In ‘Garden of Memory’ International Eco-Action

May 8, 2024
Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine Takes Part In ‘Garden of Memory’ International Eco-Action

Every year, the Garden of Memory campaign is held throughout the country and abroad, when 27 million trees are planted in memory of all those who died during World War II. The Myskovsky Urban District of Kuzbass did not stand aside on the eve of Victory Day – with the support of the Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine, more than 10,000 trees were planted here with participation of the company’s employees.

The company actively supported the planting of 10,500 coniferous trees on three hectares in the village of Podobas, which were chosen specifically for compensatory reforestation. The seedlings were grown in a Myskovsky nursery, the campaign was organized by the Novokuznetsk Forestry Agency with financial and physical assistance from the mine.

According to Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine’s General Director, Igor Osadchy, though the company supports most of the town’s environmental activities, it was especially important to show support on this day:

“More and more time has passed since the end of World War II. New generations have emerged, children are being born. And it is our duty to preserve the memory of the heroes who gave their lives for peace. Walking through this green park, parents will certainly tell their children who the trees were planted in honor of. We always respond to the initiatives of the town administration and participate in landscaping campaigns. And today, of course, is no exception.”

On the same day, a ‘Garden of Memory’ planting took place in Myski’s Yubileyny Park, which is one of the townspeople’s most popular recreation areas. The Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine purchased and planted 100 seedlings of cedar, pine, mountain ash, and ninebark for this purpose.

The company actively contributes to landscaping Kuzbass. Every year, the Kiyzassky Open-Pit Mine participates in many activities aimed at landscaping the area and creating a pleasant environment for its residents. Employees take part in clean-up activities, conduct environmental lessons in schools, etc. The company regularly allocates equipment to the Myskovskoye Forest District to help its employees prepare for the planting season.